Amy Adams & Matthew Broderick=This unknown

So who would look like together?…




This unknown.

I found this unknown had similar matches,1/2 like me (For more about that, click here), like my cousin, like her 1/2 of Bradley Cooper (For more about that, click here). Basically, I found she looked similar like me and Amy-my cousin with a long round shape. However, she looks somewhat different like someone else. How did I figure out who else she looked like? More about that below…

First, I found that this unknown looked like Amy Adams in length of long shape.



Then, in width of shape, she starts to look like Matthew Broderick in width of much wider-rounder, almost more egg shaped face.

She even has natural red-brown hair, fair skin and dark brown-green eyes. Now, the two never did a movie together, but Amy’s lookalike Nicole did a movie The Stepford Wives with Matthew. Had Amy snagged the role looking similar like her to the character with a long-round shape, blue eyes and average-tall height and similar sounding American accent, if she had the part their child would’ve definitely looked like this unknown.


Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think she resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll beneath the link, leading to this page. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments. I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.


Amy Adams & Daniel Radcliffe=This unknown from Frequency



So who would they look like together?…

Ariel-Vanessa from Thee Little Mermaid (Animated Lookalike)

Ariel-Vanessa from Thee Little Mermaid (Animated Lookalike)

This unknown( on the far right above and below).


First, I found that this unknown from Frequency had close matches to me. However, they were closer to Amy Adams-my cousin.

Then, I found even though she looks somewhat like Amy started look like someone else with those similar matches and a very round appearing face-Daniel Radcliffe. How did I discover this? More about this below…


First, I fount that this unknown from Frequency who plays the mother looks like Amy Adams at first with the same length of long to almost more oval shape.

Then, it in width, it is almost more egg-square shaped, much rounder and wider like Daniel Radcliffe’s. Altogether, I fount the unknown’s shape is in between oval-long oval (Semi-Long oval), somewhat long but also very round appearing like the both of them. She even has in between almost bluer eyes like the both of them with more violet in them like Amy’s to almost more blue-green like Daniel’s. She even has natural red-brown hair and very fair skin.


Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll beneath the link, leading to this page. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments.  I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.


Amy Adams & Leonardo DiCaprio=This unknown

Related image

So who would they look like together?…

This unknown below…


Originally, I found someone with a long-round shape, in between looks like the both of them. Much earlier I found a female match that looks like Amy and Leo. However, so far its been voted 100% Leo (For more about hat, click here). Most recently, I found a female match of my cousin-Alison Brie and Emma Roberts-Rachel Hurd Wood having a long-round shape, closest to those people in matches from almost narrower, oval-long oval shape. Now, how did I discover this? More about that below…

Originally, I was comparing unknowns to see how close they resembled of the same gender of face matches in this case, Amy Adams. Now, I found these two looked somewhat alike yet different.


First, I found in length of shape that this unknown has a long-almost more oval appearing shape like Amy.


Then, in width of shape just as much is narrower, almost more egg-heart shaped like Leo’s. She even has dark blue-green eyes, fair skin and natural dark brown-red hair like the both of them.

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll beneath the link, leading to this page. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments. I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.


Amy Adams & Matt Damon=This unknown

So who would they look like together?…


This unknown.

It’s funny I wasn’t sure I’d find a pic of Amy with Matt Damon. But, I knew they both had worked with Mark Walberg in a movie. First, Amy Adams most recently was in The Fighter with him. Way before that Matt was in The Departed movie with Mark Walberg (who you might not recognize because he had to put weight on for the part). But, I found they were in a photo together, even if not having been in a movie together. Looking at them both I found they looked like this unknown and vice versa. How did I discover this? More about that below…


First, I found that this unknown looked like Amy Adams having the same length of long-oval appearing shape.


Then, in width of shape it is much wider-square (wide heart) shaped like Matt Damon’s.It’s funny, I found she looks a lot like Amy especially with the red hair but like Matt Damon she has a wide heart shape as well. In addition, like the both of them she has in between medium-dark blue-brown eyes and natural red-brown hair.

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll beneath the link, leading to this page. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments. I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.


Amy Adams & Joaquin Phoenix=This unknown Nicole Kidman-Amy Adams lookalike

So who would they look like together?…


This unknown.


I found this unknown at a glimpse looked a lot like Nicole Kidman-Amy Adams. (In addition, I found who else she starts to look like of male gender, next to Nicole. For more about that, click here. ) Then, later on I found who else she looked like next to Amy. I found it was Joaquin Phoenix who she was in the movie, Her with. So, how did I discover this? More about that below…

First, I found this unknown starts to look like Amy with the same length of long-almost more oval shape. Then, I found in width of shape, it is much wider, even rounder almost more egg-oval shaped like Joaquin Phoenix’s shape. She even has in between medium-dark eyes like the both of them, fair skin, red-dark brown hair. She even has a memorable trademark from cheek to chin like Joaquin, but also Amy’s almost more protruding chin.

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll beneath the link, leading to this page. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments. I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.


Amy Adams & Patrick Dempsey=This unknown

So who would they look like together?…


This unknown. First, I found this unknown at first had similar matches from Amy Adams-my cousin with a round- wider shape.  Earlier on, I found she looked somewhat like Amy yet different. At about the same time afterwards I found she starts to look like Patrick Dempsey, with similar female matches to him of AJ Michalka-Dove Cameron (If you look close you might start to see a little bit of them in her). Anyway, how did I find these two looked alike exactly? More about that below…


First, I fount the unknown starts to look like Amy Adams with the same length of oval appearing, almost longer-trilateral shaped face.


Then, in width of shape, even rounder-much wider than Amy’s she starts to look like Patrick Dempsey. She even has natural red-brown hair and very fair skin.

Enchanted indeed…

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll beneath the link, leading to this page. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments.  I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.


Amy Adams & Channing Tatum=This unknown

So who would they (top and bottom next to the blonde Reese) look like together?…


This unknown from Nocternal Animals.

It’s funny because there was something alike yet different between her and Amy who the cartoon was originally drawn after. I found she could pass for a cartoon Giselle, very close to the original Amy. Later on, I found the same unknown actually starred in the same movie Nocturnal Animals with her…

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LOL! Never in a million years did I think that I would find a real face whose animated lookalike whose shape


originally drawn from Amy, starts to look like Jessica Chastain,

Amy Adams-Jessica Chastain (Somewhat Similar)

Amy Adams-Jessica Chastain (Somewhat Similar)

However, I actually didn’t know they were in a movie together until I was searching for a photo of them together. Before that, I found she looked like Amy yet somewhat different.


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Later on, I found in shape she had similar matches of Amy Adams-Jessica Chastain and Sarah Michelle Gellar, somewhat long-round and almost more oval like Bella Thorne-Winona Ryder.


Now, I also found in the past someone in the past of male gender had the same female matches with a long-round shape, conic to be exact. Who was that? Channing Tatum. So, how did I discover she looked like the two exactly? More about that below…



First, I found this unknown looked like Amy Adams with the same length of narrow-oval appearing shape.


Then, I found her shape is slightly wider-rounder with a conic-to egg form like Channing Tatum’s.

She even has in between dark blue-bright green eyes like Channing Tatum, very light skin and red-brown hair.

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll beneath the link, leading to this page. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments.  I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.


Amy Adams & Phillip Seymour Hoffman=Martha Hyer


So who would they look like together?…


Martha Hyer, this old Hollywood actress.

I think her name was Martha Hyer, but I found this old Hollywood actress with Grace Kelly-Amy Adams matches at first looked somewhat like Amy Adams. Then, I found she starts to look like Phillip Seymour Hoffman (R.I.P), who Amy Adams did a few movies with in the past. So, how did I come to find this? More about that below…


First, I found that this old-time actress named Martha Hyer looked like Amy Adams with the same length of oval appearing shape.




Then, I found her face shape in width is much wider and almost more heart-square shaped like Phillip’s.


In addition, she even has fair skin, blue eyes and natural red-brown and light blonde hair like the both of them.

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll beneath the link, leading to this page. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments.  I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.


January Newsletter 2017

Wow! I didn’t know how many more pages of December I could do-they were filling up fast! That being said…

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We survived another year!

Thank You 10

On a personal note, I am glad to start on a clean slate or should I say clean/blank, page for the newsletter.

New updates!

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LOL Don’t freak out.

But, I am falling a little behind already but catching up on updates. More about that below…

First, I am finding so many lookalikes/combined matches that I have discovered that I can barely keep up, but they are coming. I have two lookalikes now available on the updates page here. I am also considering linking the newsletter of brief updates newsletters to the updates page where you can view and go to the direct links.

Second, Still trying to publish the rest of the links on the updates page for this month of January.

They are coming asap. I lost count of how many I have to finish. Anyway, thanks for everyone’s input!

Finally, I will respond to one more round of comments for the most recent 12/7-12/31 because I did not have the time the previous day. So, for that reason even though it is 2017 I will post and respond to a few more comments as soon as possible.

Thank you so much everyone. I will return shortly and thanks for visiting!

1/2/17 12:30 am

I almost done with the updates for the month, about five to go. I believe I have found a few more since then. Sorry about the wait. I will be responding to comments and be back shortly if not tomorrow. Thank you everyone and the links should no be available and listed under most recent posts. Thanks again everyone for visiting!

1/2/16 7 pm

New updates!

Comments are available for Christmas to the New Years. Thank you all so much for commenting over the holidays as well during everyone’s own busy holiday season! I will be reading comments and posting them for this coming Sunday.  The rest of the linked posts for this month are coming soon and possibly three after that along the way.

New high stats!


Great way to start out the year! 225 views today!

This is so great! I look forward to my readers’ future responses. Speaking of, polls are now available for the new linked posts. You can vote resemblance if interested as well as many other older ones.

Thank you so much again everyone! I will return in the near future not too far from now. Thanks for visiting.


New stats!

6 pm

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Two new high stats involving two one wizard character -Daniel Radcliffe and one witch character Nicole Kidman.

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First, I couldn’t believe this one reached high stats!

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In the past I found that Nicole Kidman (from Practical Magic and Bewitched) who shares the same face matches to me with a long-round shape at the same time starts to look like someone else with an almost more egg-oval appearing shaped face like…



Daniel Radcliffe. I actually spotted in a cartoon first and discovered the combined match of real face by looking at shape which was Nicole Kidman.



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Sorry, no votes yet this is where your feedback really does make a difference. Aka; without you no part 2 (with the results of polls).

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Anyway, it’s funny because I always sensed something familiar, similar yet different between Nicole Kidman and me.


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In addition, there are also some male results I found that look somewhat like the both of us besides Nicole on the page including Noah Silver (from Tyrant).

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I have found more matches since then and will post them in the future. But, for now while waiting I would love to see feedback on that one as well as many others. To whoever it may concern thank you for the high views with this one! I believe this is a first. Thanks again!



Another one involving the same people at the same time but in reverse side-by-side with each other the famous witch and wizard from Practical Magic and Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe and Nicole Kidman.

Now, I found a certain drawing drawn from this scene looked somewhat like her but then starts to look like him (but not just because of the glasses).

I found a closest match of face with the same very round-almost longer, oval appearing shape like the both of them. Again, this is the first time this scored high views

Outstanding WOMBAT

O for outstanding! Thank you for the high views! I have yet to receive response on this one but, it ought to be interesting as well. Thanks again for your feedback.

6:30 pm

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It just occurred to me 2 things from these previously mentioned high stats…

  1. Similar interest of posts=most likely the same viewing party
  2. Verification of likeness looking at 2 of the same faces in 2 different ways/examples shown previously above


First, It just occurred to me two of the post involving the same people, even if in different ways=similar interest=same viewing party.


So, for that reason I have a hunch I may have just given thanks to the same viewing party 2x, well 3x the charm my gratitude!

I am glad you are further interested in the examples involving the both of them.

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Thanks for making a difference where it really counts and I look forward to your feedback.

However, if two different viewing parties, I thank the both of you as well for your interest in these two similar examples involving the same 2 faces.

Either way, thank you so much for  showing high interest as well as views therefore making a difference in finding possible results to this post yet to be voted for likeness in the polls of both pages involving Nicole Kidman and Daniel Radcliffe (which can be found here and here in two different scenarios).

How? More about that below in regards to these two posts…

Second, in regards to these two posts…

Looking at the stats of the first listed example including my face and two including Daniel and Nicole.


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  • I am thinking that either people see the both of us and wanted to verify how close Daniel and Nicole look by looking at another example before deciding.

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  • Or, people see a 50/50 resemblance and wanted to see how close again and compare with another different example, looking at their faces again from side-side. 

In conclusion my hunch in regards to the overall recent activity of posts:

  • From this viewed perspective of questioning more of how close Daniel looks next to her, I have a hunch that people will vote me 100%-50/50 Me & Daniel.
  • Now, if that turns out to be true it is most likely due from looking at gender and/or shape which has been true that I have found the way people are leaning in terms of voting female vs. male, gender before shape.

Now, maybe 3x the charm of high views, someone may find the matter

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to vote?… (Click next for more)

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Newest Updates pg 16

I discovered a lot of combined matches of males and females (females including: Nicole Kidman and Amy Adams mostly). There are also a few other faces which may look familiar to you. I will release the finish, linked posts with available poll a.s.ap. I look forward to your feedback. Thanks for visiting.

Click each link below to see the combined match…

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Alison Brie & Dave Franco (To see their possible combined matches male and female, click here).


Amy adams along with…

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Channing Tatum (To see their possible combined match click here).

Related image

Daniel Radcliffe-wait no, that’s Isla-couldn’t find a pic of both. But this was close enough. (To see their possible combined match click here).

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Joaquin Phoenix (To see their possible combined match click here).

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Leonardo DiCaprio (To see their possible combined match click here).

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Matthew Broderick-Yes that’s Nicole, but just imagine Amy’s face behind the glasses. I couldn’t find a pic of the two together. (To see their possible combined match click here).

Matt Damon (on the right) (To see their possible combined match click here).

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Patrick Dempsey (To see their possible combined match click here).

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Phillip Seymour Hoffman-echoing on the right (To see their possible combined match click here).

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Ben Stiller & Teri Polo (To see their possible most recent combined match click here-coming soon).

Daniel Radcliffe & Kristen Stewart (To see their possible combined match click here).

Emily Deschanel & Richard Armitage (To see their possible combined match click here).

Glenn Quinn (R.I.P) & Sara Gilbert (To see their possible combined match click here).


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Jennifer Lawrence & Woody Harrelson (To see their possible combined match click here).

Me and Jeff Timmons=?

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Nicole Kidman along with…

Ben Stiller (To see their possible combined match click here-coming soon).

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Bradley Cooper (To see their possible combined match click here).

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Casey Affleck (To see their possible combined match click here).

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Chris Pratt (To see their possible combined match click here-coming soon).

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Daniel Craig (To see their possible combined match click here-coming soon).

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Edward Norton-No, that’s not Nicole but very close. Her bff/lookalike Naomi Watts. I couldn’t find a pic of the two together. (To see their possible combined match click here).

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Jimmy Angelov from Practical Magic (To see their possible combined match click here).

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Jimmy Fallon (To see their possible combined match click here).

Mark Walberg (To see their possible combined match click here).

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Pierce Brosnan (To see their possible combined match click here-coming soon).

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Robert Pattinson (To see their possible combined match click here-coming soon).

Taaron Eggerton (To see their possible combined match click here).

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This unknown from Birth (To see their possible combined match click here).

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This unknown from Birthday Girl (To see their possible combined match click here-coming soon).

Nicole Kidman & Tommy Lee Jones  (To see their possible combined match click here).

Jake Thomas & Carly Schroder=? (To see their possible match, click here).

Jennifer Lawrence & Chris Pratt in Passengers=? (To see their possible match, click here).

Joe Pesci & Marisa Tomei from My Cousin Vinny (1992)=? (To see their possible match, click here).

Johnny Depp & Eva Green=? (To see their possible match, click here).

Marty & Jamie Lee Curtis from X-Mas with the Kranks=? (To see their possible match, click here).

Matthew Broderick & Sloane from Ferris Bueller=? (To see their possible match, click here).

Melissa McCarthy & Bradley Cooper from Hangover 3=? (To see their possible match, click here).

Melissa McCarthy & this unknown to the left of her from the movie Tammy=? (To see their possible match, click here).

Melissa McCarthy & Zach Galifinakis=? (To see their possible match, click here).

Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone=? (To see their possible match, click here).

Stefania from Everybody Loves Raymond with Robert;with Ray Romano

=? (To see their matches, click here and here-coming soon).


Rose Byrne & Seth Rogen (far left) =? (To see their matches, click here).

Rose Byrne & Zac Efron (far right)=? (To see their matches, click here).


Shane West (far left) & Allison (2nd, far left) in Get Over It=? (To see their matches, click here).

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Image result for nicole kidman far and away

Nicole Kidman’s ex Tom Cruise and someone else similar to her who also starred in Golden Compass…

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Tom Cruise & Eva Green=? (To see their possible match, click here).

Zooey Deschanel & Paul Rudd=? (To see their possible match, click here).

Animated Lookalikes:





Dexter’s mom from Dexter’s Labratory (Pictorial and Link coming soon).



Robin Hood Bradley Cooper

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