Peter Pan-Lion King



Not kid-ding I found this unknown who had similar female matches to me, yet somewhat different with male matches and difference of almost egg-shaped face looks like two different mischievous, heroic male characters who are known for being adventurous and laughing in the face of danger.

First, I found that this unknown looked a lot like Peter Pan. Then, I found that he starts to look somewhat more like Simba from the Lion King. How? More about that below…

First, I found that this unknown looked like Peter Pan with a length of his, having an almost egg-shaped face, slightly longer than rounder. Then, I found in width of shape, his face shape is much wider-rounder almost regular egg-heart shaped, almost wider but not too wide-square like Simba’s.

He even has dark-light brown eyes like the two. Just give him either wardrobe, the hat and tights/mane with face paint and tail and he could pass for a real Peter Pan or a Simba.

In addition, I found this unknown resembles matches somewhat like me and somewhat like someone else of male gender. Who? You might be able to guess if you look closely or next to a pic of me. Or, if you look under the Peter Pan lookalikes and figure out which male at the same time he starts to look like next to the Peter Pan figure. Either way if interested, looking close with/without visual at hand, tune in for who that is. I will keep you posted.

So, let me know what you think. I will elaborate if necessary. Enjoy the visuals and thanks for visiting.


Ariel-Vanessa from the Little Mermaid


If you saw The Little Mermaid you couldn’t help but notice that Vanessa looked somewhat like Ariel. Ursula didn’t just steal her voice, but transformed into someone who looks somewhat like her with an oval-almost longer shaped face. I also found people who resembled the Ariel and Vanessa character had similar matches to me and my cousin with a long-oval shape, with red and brown hair.

Later, I found this unknown had similar matches to me, and like me somewhat but much closer having an oval form shaped of face, I found she looks like Ariel. But, her face shape is almost long oval appearing like Vanessa’s on the far right. She even has medium blue gray-hazel green eyes like the two as well. Just give her a red wig and she could go as Ariel. Or, give her Vanessa’s wardrobe and she could go as her too.

In addition, I found this unknown resembles matches somewhat like me and somewhat like someone else of another gender. Who? (For more, click here).

So, let me know what you think. I will elaborate if necessary. Enjoy the visuals and thanks for visiting.


Anna from Frozen This Celebrity from Millionaire



I found this celebrity on celebrity edition of Who Wants to Be A Millionaire could be a dead ringer for Anna from Frozen. I started to look, like the cartoon she starts to look somewhat like Kristen Bell. More about the specifics below…

You might notice that her shape is much wider and somewhat rounder like Kristen’s. It is close to Emma Stone to Olivia Wilde and almost narrower-square, flatter like Amanda Seyfried’s.


But, in this case I could see that both the animated lookalike and the celebrity look like Olivia Wilde-somewhat Kristen Bell (For more about that click here).

Now, Olivia and Kristen are noticeably different. But, similar to the girl in the middle they both have a somewhat long-round shape in between hers with light-medium, silver-blue eyes. More about the celebrity in the middle…


Like Anna, close to her matches in face shape, she has a very round appearing-almost longer shape of face. In fact, she could definitely pass for not just Anna, an animated character because like animated characters her shape is 100 % around/ellipse shaped.

In addition to looking like Anna she even has the strawberry blonde hair, light silver-blue eyes, and anxious, energetic expression.  I could just picture her dressing in the outfit.

So, let me know what you think and enjoy the visuals. Thanks again for visiting.


Pitch from Rise of the Guardians this unknown




Here’s a dark secret, this just-in Pitch-pre boogieman transformation as human, before crossing over to the dark-side lol. But, I could definitely see that myself with the similarities.

pitchalike2 pitchalike3


Originally, I found other matches for Pitch looked closest like this person on the far left and somewhat like Jude Law who it was originally drawn from on the far right (for more about this particular visual, click here-coming soon).

Back to this visual in particular…



I found that the unknown in the pics below left and right next to the cartoon looked just like him pre and post transformation, before and after crossing to the dark side. How? More about that below…

pitchalike2 pitchalike3

I found he is the closest match yet, like the cartoon closest from Noah-the original inspiration Jude, having a long-almost rounder, egg-shaped face. He even has the same hairline, medium-dark hair, cleft of pointy chin, troubled expression. He even has the same dark brown-light hazel-green eyes.

Just a little older and change of wardrobe he could definitely pass for the character who gave people the ability to have nightmares.

It’s funny, I knew their was something familiar about this character in terms of real and animated/dream world. You might say that he could pass for a nightmare from looking like having one-becoming one. Maybe Pitch had the worst nightmares that became his reality? Just food for thought.

In addition, I have found other matches yet to be linked here and here-coming soon.

While waiting see if you can find who else this unknown resembles, non-cartoon under the newest posts. Or, even guess to see who he resembles closely in shape yourself.

So, let me know what you think and enjoy the visuals. Thanks again for visiting.


Sid the Sloth This comedian from Practical Jokers




If ever the comedic team did a slide show of funny animated lookalikes, this would be one of them. Not to be too mean, but truly I found that this guy looked a lot like Sid the Sloth from Ice Age. It wasn’t just the expression or the similar teeth line More about that below…


I found that this comedian from Practical Jokers looked like Sid from Ice Age. They both have the same long-almost rounder shaped face. Also, he has his hair exactly where Sid’s hairline would start. They even have a similar shape of nostrils of nose, brown-hazel colored eyes and funny expression and silly demeanor. You can even like Sid start to see a little bit of John Leguizamo, the original inspiration with a slightly longer-rounder shape, dark hair and eyes.

I can just picture the comedian with Sid’s voiceover on Practical Jokers pranking saying, “Gotcha”-lol!

So, let me know what you think and enjoy the visuals. Thanks again for visiting.


Olivia Wilde-Kristen Bell


These two are noticeably different far left and right. But, they look somewhat like the person in the middle. They all have a somewhat round-almost longer shape. First, Olivia’s is the widest, almost longer-quadrilatral (Semi-long heart-shaped). Second, Kristen on the far right’s shape is much longer-almost rounder (conic).

The unknown in the middle appears to have a somewhat long-wide, but almost long-round shape like the both of them. In fact, the more looking her face shape is actually rounder-almost wider not just the like the two, but this particular cartoon who in fact was modeled after Kirsten Bell (For more, click here-coming soon).

Her face shape, like the cartoon is actually 100% round in between the two not too long-wide or square. She even has a light-medium skin tone, strawberry blonde-brown hair and silver-blue eyes. Also, notice how the cleft starts to appear? The nose gets longer-almost rounder?

In addition, it was harder to find a hq pic of Olivia smiling with her teeth. So, I found this pic but expression is just one example of showing similarities. I found the shape is one of the bigger reasons.

So, let me know what you think and enjoy the visuals. Thanks again for visiting.


Nicole Kidman-Jennifer Lawrence


I found a little of Nicole in me (For more about that click here-coming soon) and Jennifer (For more click here-coming soon). So, I found they looked somewhat alike yet different from long-almost rounder shape and blue-green eyes, fair skin and red-brown hair.

Then, I found this unknown looked at first like Nicole Kidman in length of shape like her with a long-almost rectangular shaped face, at the same in width of shape starts to look much wider-rounder and oval appearing like Jennifer’s shape.

She is in between the two with a shape not too long, but somewhat rounder. She even has dark brown-green eyes, very fair skin and red-brown hair. In addition, I even found other matches she resembles (For more click here-coming soon).

So, basically from left-right looking at the unknown in the middle I found like me she had similar matches from Nicole-somewhat Jennifer in shape of long-oval face. But, in this case, her face shape is more like Jennifer’s, more oval appearing.

So, let me know what you think and enjoy the visuals. Thanks again for visiting.


Newest Updates pg 15

Most recent drawing:


I will upload the finished version once done and am working on other colored quadrant works as we speak. Anyway…

This is a sketch, yet to be finished of a portrait of my grandparents. You can see my grams on the left with a square shaped face, almost rounder and longer like Rachel Weisz but somewhat wider-square like Helena Bonham Carter.  I think I did a good job not associating her for Rachel in my drawing, noticing the difference of shape seeing while I was drawing it, I was watching The Mummy with Rachel Weisz in it lol.

Then, on the right you can see my Gramps with a rectangular shaped face and almost heart shaped-rounder like Jude Law and somewhat Christopher Plummer-Ewan McGregor. (So far that’s the closest match I found for him).

 Most recent matches:

Some personal ones including:


  1. Jennifer Lawrence & Josh Hutcherson=? (To see who their combined face match # 2 is click here).
  2. Me & Josh Hutcherson=? (To see who their combined face match # 2 is click here).

3. Me & Riley Smith=? (To see who the combined face matches, male and female click here-Link is coming soon).

Next, both of the next two links below actually resulted in the same match shown below. Click the link next to the names for each for more about how I found each’s one resulted, combined face match.



4. Kevin from This Is Us & Unknown=The unknown male above (For more about that click here).



5. Katy Perry & Jared Leto=The unknown male above (For more about that click here).


From some older flicks including: The Mask , She’s All That and Jerry MacGuire


6. From The Mask, Cameron Diaz & Peter Greene=?… (To see who their combined face match most recently found is click here).


7. From She’s All That, Freddie Prinze Jr. & Jodi Lynn O Keefe=?  (To see who their combined face match is click here).


8. From Jerry MacGuire, Tom Cruise & Kelly Preston=?  (To see who their combined face match most recently found  is click here).

Newest matches (including 2 new faces, male and female founded combined matches for these people below). Click each link to see more about each…


9. Amy Adams & Jake Gyllahaal from Nocturnal Animals=The female unknown above (For more about that, click here).

10. Emma Watson & Logan Lerman from Perks of Being a Wallflower =The female unknown above (For more about that, click here).

11. Jennifer Lawrence & Shawn Ashmore from X-Men=The female female unknown above (For more about that, click here).

12. Jesse Metcalfe (After the three girls) & Sophia Bush (The second girl shown)=The female unknown above (For more about that, click here).

11. Me & Chris Evans=The female unknown above (For more about that, click here).

12. Melissa McCarthy & Unknown X BF from Tammy=The unknown above (For more about that, click here).

13. Nicole Kidman & Jeff Timmons=The unknown above (For more about that, click here).

14. Sandra Bullock & Ryan Gosling from Murder By Numbers =The unknown above (For more about that, click here).


Here are some lookalikes including 2 faces male and female you might have seen before… Visuals are coming soon.



Anna from Frozen



pitchalike3 pitchalike2

Notice how the next two below look alike yet somewhat different. You may recognize their face as having the same combined match from before. The difference is my shape is longer-quadrilateral like Malificent’s and this unknown simulation below is slightly more like Meg’s with a slightly rounder, oval-long oval shape.


Ariel-Vanessa from the Little Mermaid


Evil Queen from Snowwhite-Poison Ivy









Peter Pan-Lion King





Sid the Sloth




Zarina from Disney’s Fairy’s 


Analagous-Somewhat similar:


Amy Adams-Jessica Chastain (Coming Soon).


Emily Blunt 


Isla Fisher & Zoey Deutch (Coming Soon).


Nicole Kidman-Jennifer Lawrence


Noah Silver-Jude Law


Olivia Wilde-Kristen Bell

Most of the links are available and more are soon to come. Thanks for visiting.

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December Newsletter 2016

12/1/16 11 pm

Hectic month for everyone so I’ve heard. Sometimes in the craziness of it all I’m like…

But, I just stopped for a minute and noticed the stats.


What a great way to start off the month! It was not even 12 am over here and stats were higher than 50 views for the day.


I suspected with the holidays, people would have time off and the site might be more viewed. But, I was still surprised to see I am only the first day into December

and they already skyrocketing!

Thank you so much everyone.

I am working on the updates page for the month, finishing the links. Here are the visuals I am finishing posts on, a quick preview if you will…

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They are coming soon. Thanks again everyone for the support and for visiting.


Unbelieveable stats. No more than 12 hours since the last time I returned and it is…


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First, I found that the


Annette Benning &

Michael J. Fox=

Charlotte Church

was one of the top viewed for today. So far it has received in votes…


100% since the beginning of this week. (You can read more about this result of polls in the previous page).

Anyway, since it’s been voted it’s top viewed. I don’t doubt people have found it reading the results previous to this page and have been clicking to view it. Thank you so much. I would love more votes to get a better idea how close in what perspective exactly . More about the second top viewed below…

The second featured was “Jennifer Lawrence & Josh Hutcherson=Me”.

So far, it’s pretty much a tie. I am waiting for the last vote. But, I actually found another female face that looked like the both of them, an unknown simulation made with face matches closest to Nicole Kidman & Mila Jovovinch.


I have yet to receive votes for this one also. But, this one only has a previewed visual. The diagram is not available yet.

Thank you for your participation as well as patience and I really enjoyed the stats this morning!

7 pm

I noticed a difference in the stats. They weren’t as good as the previous ones well…


OMG! Now, I am not like…

but, I do feel like a royal with the special treatment.

Thank you everyone for your comments as well as your generosity.

Here are the high clicks/views I found before 8 pm today…

Indy 4 and The Gang

First, ALL of the Drawing in Detail pages were highly viewed today, but not all at once. It was hard to get a snapshot of them both.

Second, the timeline post which I am tweaking so it is easier to follow is highly viewed for the 3rd time in a row.


Thank you so much for the support. I’ll be back later.

11 pm


56 views and not even in the am. I think this is even higher than last night’s high stats.This would make the Grinch himself turn from green to pink. Thank you so much the love. See you tomorrow, hopefully with some new finished posts.


10:30 am


Wow! It’s not even 12 pm where I am and I am close to reaching 130 views.


Thank you so much. Also, the newest highest viewed post…

fun life random bones yo

tj thyne

Minus the antlers lol


Thank you so much for the high views. I will return later.

7 pm Awesome stats! There are close to 150 views before 8 pm tonight.

Also, high views include the top clicked pages:

(From The Mask & Community) Amy Yasbeck & Jim Carrey=Alison Brie

(From This Is Us) 2 matches  including Kate & Toby=Damien from Mean Girls; Todd & Olivia=an unknown male match (that I found).

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In regards to all of the top views relating to those pages…


Thank you so much. The gifdatabase is down.

Luckily I found a few in the process. Hopefully when I return the database will be working properly. Thanks again for your support and for visiting.

Back Next


11/22-12/6 pg 3



I just realized I put your name 2x and in a row. In regards to comparing this one to your last one…

Even better. You really are quite the writer-thank you. I mentioned drawings before which I see you viewed and commented on-thank you so much.I believe you are one of the few to comment, not just view it. More about the post… Some people don’t get it because of the title. I tried to come up with a name saying Analyzed drawings. But, it makes it sound like I am working in a lab-lol.

Like a lab, in the past these drawings were at first drawn from experience-trial and error repeating the experimentation until a major breakthrough. But, the concept was not drawn in a lab physically.

The concept itself-They are based on well as you might have guessed-looking at of all things every example is based from, the cornerstone-the shape. So, I showed how they turned out executed from looking closer at shape.

Thank you for wonderful comment, again thanks for returning. I look forward to seeing your comments in the future and best of luck to the next!


Interesting title. Personally I am more worried if I survive in bed after dinner lately with the time change lol.

Wow! I am probably thinking too much but personal blog? Do you mean more like a blog or a website?

Either way blogs and online journals, I have found are similar.I prefer both, I do it myself in the newsletter mentioning updated/new posts. I make sure I date my discoveries so I can refer back to them. I haven’t with my older posts, but the older ones were posted the same day of the discovery so, I can backtrack and log it. I never lose the specific date recorded. Basically, I find it does help to log/journal.

filmeditor mean girls mean girls movie burn book

Not just because its theraputic which is healthy but because you can refer back to it like an archive when you published something. Whereas writing it down on a scrap sheet of paper may be scratched out/lost/torn/ruined, you name it-its temporary on paper, another form which is not bad or wrong. But for that reason of circumstantial conveniance of reference, of something written down getting lost it is best to do it online. You could hand write and then scan it to back it up. Still, personally the only things I keep up with scanning are my drawn faces you can find on the blog and sometimes with that all the detail doesn’t show up completely. For this reason, come to find it is best nothing is lost or lost in translation, jotted down, the best written online in a log/journal for a blog.

Why? I find it of personal preference and that it works great. I realize its overwhelming and you don’t know where or how to start. I’ve been there and addressed that issue to readers in the past. If you want my advice on that you can browse the FAQ section for more. I believe I have touched on every issue I could think of which took a while, but well worth it to make it easier for my readers and to solve any on-going problems they may have in reference to the site/topic of blogging. I hope that answers your question. I hope I shed some light on this issue. It sounds like you are looking to blog/journal online. If you are, I only wish you the best of luck. Thanks for challenging me, making me think and discuss further with your comment and for reading.


I don’t think I ever had someone say in a comment “I agree”. It seems like we’re on the same page with this. You sound very intelligent and well-educated when it comes to reading and researching comments. Yes, these are ideas not facts so you could say they are opinions, if you had to present it would probably would be referred to as “Ideology.”

You brought up a very good point “Opinion” which has been unaddressed. More about that below…

I have found these personal up-close observations drawn or diagrammed, even if biased have turned out to be true based on resulted polls or a lot of the same feedback agreeing as well. I also try to found other sources discussing the topic as well.

Realizing something else after that being said…

I am merely bringing up what each post is made of.

I do realize that in the process it may or may not start to come off egotistical or self-righteous to some.

Now, in reference to that because I brought it up, I did not mean to offend anyone who is given the impression that I have a egotistical/self-rightegous perspective.

In regards to that, I never said I am always/100% right. Sometimes I find closer matches of faces or draw misinterpretations of the face.

I respect other people’s opinions towards this comment and hope I am not coming off as an egotistical, know-it-all character.

I know from personal experience of some who have come off egotistical with/without a know-it-all character (also not implying Hermionie’s a-know-it-all, just what the expression entails) because I realize the experience can be unpleasant as well as an offensive one.

Now, That being said…

Thank you Lorrie, for bringing up the word “Opinions.” You sound very wise and even if my posts to some may seem out of this world-not in a good way, you have kept me down to earth and have reminded me not to get a big head.

Now, that part inspired me so much that I had to address the matter of my posts which are based from mainly idea(ology) not actual fact. Very unique perspective. Keep it wise and thank you for enlighening me with this matter. Cheers to you for that.


Well, you got my interest. I love chocolate and the last thing I baked chocolate is terrible. Can’t wait to get some real chocolate. Anyway, before I get myself too rushed and on a mental sugar high…

Thank you so much. I don’t think it was morning when I opened the comment between the possible time difference and my hours. But, it was nice to hear that. Normally I hear, nice day/night. Whereas, nice morning implies not only morning but the rest of the day afterwards of course.

What a nice salutations to start off the day.  I am glad you took the opportunity to right the comment. It mad my day as well and you have a good morning and what it entails-rest of day until the next time encountered as well.


I would “Change Nothing” about your comment.





Wow! Usually when I hear rock in a bold reference is when someone refers to their favorite personal preference like a show or a band.

Awesome! Great showcase and way to close the show. You’ve certainly touched on details yourself including: “Details and How nicely perceived”.

dance dancing singing sing hilary duff

I try to plan my stuff out as best as I can.

Thank you for your enthusiasm. I am glad you decided not to contain it and well rock and ride it out until the very end of your wonderful beat.

lizzy grant

What a great way to close the show for the night. Time to get the show on the road now and driving practically all through the night to the next showcase-tomorrow afternoon. I will see you then with more presented and poetic words which were definitely worth mentioning. Thanks for all of your comments and for visiting.


You have made my day. It’s just one of those where it’s like…


(more gifs to come below-database is down).



Thank you so much for believing in me.I loved the last part, how you mentioned “Permanently”.

Thank You 3

Thanks, I plan to keep it a long-term thing. I love your enthusiasm as well as encouragement.

I hope you enjoy the new posts coming your way and if interested be the first to take the polls on the combined matches/combinations pages. Thank you so much for your interest and for visiting.

As you can see in my previous note, the gif database of mine is down. I pulled what I had uploaded on wordpress. I will respond to new comments. Hopefully the gif database will be working by then. Thank you for your patience and for visiting.

My gif database is not working for some reason.

I will see if I can solve this in the future. For this reason I have been displaying videos for each comment because I can only upload so many gifs at once using an alternative source.

The comments below are absolutely invaluable and made me wanna sing. For that reason, I started off on a “high note” for each of them, a little dedication of breaking down poetically best I could (but not my own songs) what I thought of each below…


Thank you. What a great way to end a long week , a little pick me up to know there is in deed a little light at the end of the tunnel.

I loved how you used the words “Saved me frustration”. Glad I could be of help.


I love how you used the words, “Something special in it”.

Sometimes it helps to breathe, close your eyes (which is perfect to do with this song) and

Listen With Your Heart. It has never failed me and I am glad I have because the journey has been a good experience reading such nice comments such as yours

Thank you for encouraging me to follow mine as well and I hope you follow yours wherever it may lead. May you have a prosperous journey and thanks for visiting.


I loved your enthusiasm

Commend the Effort 15

you make me wanna

Jump to the Rhythm-Jordan Pruitt (for the main part).

Commend the Effort 29

Fantastic beat and thank you for your wonderful comment, for visiting.

Don’t worry cheers to all and another round to come. Thanks to all fo your support and for visiting.

