Melissa McCarthy Mother from Bolt


First, I saw a little Amanda Bynes in Amy Adams (voted 50/50, for more about that click here) and Amy Adams in Melissa McCarthy (For more about that click here).

All somewhat similar to each other with a somewhat round longer-rounder face and brown-red hair, look like this animated character from Bolt, the mother of Penny with these similar qualities. In the past, I found Amy Redford, who also has those similar qualities like the both, looked like this person, but the shape is slightly longer. (More about that here).

Now more recently, I found this visual is even closer to Molly from Mike & Molly aka; Melissa McCarthy. They both have a very close shape to each other, somewhat round, much longer, but appearing wider, with brown in this case, more red-auburn hair and dark eyes. It’s funny, watching the Heath I could picture her playing a Disney character having a very defined, memorable face, with lively, funny expressions. I just could never pin-point it until now.

Anyway, let me know what you think. I will elaborate if necessary. Enjoy the visual and thanks for visiting.


Sue Heck from the Middle Cari from the Incredibles


Besides, the silly, over-ecstatic expression and braces, these two are very similar to each other. You can see a little Amy Adams on the top and bottom of shape. However, this girl, has a slightly wider-rounder, almost oval shape face.

Cari from the Incredibles has a long-round face whether long more like Amy or almost more oval like Sue Heck. Also, they besides the shape they both have dark eyes and light brown hair. They both are alike in demeanor, teenagers with braces. But, even though you could see a little bit of Sue Heck from the Middle in Cari and vice-versa, I don’t think I would want either of them babysitting-lol.

Anyway, let me know what you think. I will elaborate if necessary. Enjoy the visual and thanks for visiting.


Prince Char-ning (Channing Tatum as Prince Charming)


I always thought that Channing Tatum had a face shape similar to a Ken Doll/Disney Prince. I thought, no not Prince Eric, Phillip, even if a brief appearance, the prince from Snow White, not animated version of Prince Edward. Then I thought, I haven’t found many matches for Prince Charming in Cinderella. Prince Charming from Cinderella, has a long-round shape. It either appears more elongated-trilateral- more egg shaped, like Channing’s here. The two both have a very similar shape. You can see the same formation of the trilateral, conic shape.

Also, they even have the same hairline dark eyes brows, the chin line in addition expression is the same. They both have dark brown-hazel (somewhat green eyes). There are few differences though: Difference of wardrobe and Channing’s eyes are much more green. They even have the same neckline. Even besides the shape, many might argue that he could also play the prince because well-the name. But, the films already been made recently so maybe not.

Anyway, let me know what you think. I will elaborate if necessary. Enjoy the visual and thanks for visiting.



Do you know any widgets I could add to my blog that could automatically tweet me my newest twitter updates?


I was recently asked this question and it was brought to my attention from Garcina- thanks for asking me this. It was very challenging to figure out an answer.

At first, I wasn’t sure how to answer that question. So, I started searching…

I wish I could shed light on that subject much further.

Still, I’m not a twitter expert

but, there is a twitter timeline widget available in the settings under widgets. To my recollection, a timeline is made up of displayed, added articles/comments posted in the past, so I think that should help show/display twitter updates. So far, that is the only twitter widget available on the WordPress site as far as I know. Otherwise you might have to research and install an app or something.

Sorry, I can’t be of any more help. But, that’s not really my  area of expertise. Still, I appreciate your input and valuing my input as well. If I find the answer I will display it in the future.

For more FAQ click Back.


Nicole Kidman & Jeff Timmons=Amy Adams

I found two matches that look somewhat like the both of them, both female including

Amy Adams


and this unknown…


So, who would their lovechild look like?…

Amy Adams.



It’s not just the red hair, but Nicole and Amy both have a similar, long heart face shape. But, I wondered, who else does she start to look like at the same time, just as much? Jeff Timmons.

First, Amy has a very long, long heart shape, similar length of like Nicole’s. Then, it is much wider-rounder, almost more elliptic formed, not as wide,square egg shaped, but almost more oval formed, somewhat more like Jeff’s in face shape. In addition, Amy’s eye color is even between the two and she might be more dramatic like Nicole, but with an even more dramatic, upfront, more intense expression like Jeff Timmons.


Match # 2: Unknown (Visual is coming soon).


So who would their lovechild look like?…

I found this unknown who looked like a lot of people at once. I made discovery by discovery finding her matches were very close to mine. First, from Nicole Kidman, least to my cousin-somewhat Jennifer Lawrence, having a long-round shape. (To see other matches click here):

For more about this one scroll below…

I found this unknown looked like Nicole Kidman at first in length of long-round shape trilateral shape. Then, I found just as much in width of shape it is much wider, rounder and almost oval-egg shaped like Jeff Timmons. She even has very fair skin, red-brown hair and dark eyes like the both of them.

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll beneath the link, leading to this page. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments. Thanks for visiting and I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks again for visiting.



Nicole Kidman & Tom Felton=Ryder Strong

 So who would their lovechild look like?…



Ryder Strong.

First, I always saw how Nicole and Tom,  Tom and Ryder were somewhat similar to each other in face shape(more about that here and here). But, I didn’t realize they looked like each other side-by-side, by length & width of shape equalling the other. First, I saw how Ryder has a similar length of long-round shape, almost more oval-egg shaped like Nicole’s.

Then, I noticed his shape is slighly rounder-wider, almost more egg shaped like Tom’s much wider heart shape, somewhat wide-round. He even has a cleft like Tom, but with much narrower chin like Nicole’s. Funny, I always saw something familar, in Ryder. I could definitely see that. Together, like Ryder they are both very dramatic and kind of moody appearing in character at times.

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll beneath the link, leading to this page. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments. Thanks for visiting and I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks again for visiting.


Do you know how to make/is this site “Mobile friendly”?


I am not a computer programmer, but will answer this as best as I can.


Hope these tips help you go from…


First, the site has an automatic mobile feature available. It is set by default or, already enabled in the settings. WordPress also features the options of apps where you can download them to help this issue.  Here, is the link so you can access the site “Mobile.” I hope this feature helps, works for all  devices making them compatible. Best of luck and thanks for visiting.

For more FAQ click back.





Hip Hip Hooray! Kojemayko, you’d make even the darkest villain, the slightest bit cheery with the nice comment you left. Thank you for using the term “Accurate”.

Here is another comment which I found to be well-deserved, a round of applause.


Aww, Plumbers Sydney. No problem and happy to lend a hand. Thanks for your comment and for visiting.


Pouty Face 2

Aww, sometimes it seems melancholy takes advantage of our own vulnerable feelings sometimes.


It happens. Don’t let it get you down.

Here’s something to look forward to. I was very excited to receive your comment. Thank you, my day felt as if I have soared to new heights.

I will see if I can chat from the tumblr page. Spam affects email and can’t take that chance, might affect the site. I enjoyed our small talk though. I hope you have better days and thank you for reading my comment interested enough to leave a comment.




Cheers to you too. Thank you for leave an absolutely positively note. Makes me feel like I am going places.

But, its still nice to be content right here at home while reading such nice feedback like yours.



The challenges await me… Honestly I have no idea, but that is a good question. I will bring this up on FAQ.  Thanks for asking me this question I am thinking…

awaiting for the lightbulb to go off-lol

I will see if I can find the answer. Also, thank you for stating “Look forward to updates”. I try to update as fast as I can, as soon as I make a new post.

I also loved your comment. Nice to know I have your support. You have warmed my heart. Thanks again for your support and for visiting.



Brief but accurate, as Zenon might say at this moment “Stellar”. Thanks for your comment. I loved reading it. Out of this world!



Well, what can I say but, thank you.

I do my best, multitasking with this busy month. I am glad you liked it and found it helpful. Thank you for commenting. I believe you’re the first to comment on this page.

Congrats! Thanks for your input and for visiting.



Me & Matt Damon=Josh Hutcherson


So who would we look like together?…

Josh Hutcherson.


What do these three have in common? Not only do they look somewhat like each other. First, Jack Nicholson, like Leonardo DiCaprio (not in this picture, but was also in The Departed).

Leo looks somewhat like Matt and Matt looks like Mark and vice versa.

How do they all look somewhat like each other?…

By shape. They all have a heart shape whether almost longer-rounder (near-egg shaped like Jack-Leo) or much wider whether more heart-square, much wider (like Mark-Matt’s). Even though they all have a heart shaped face whether much longer-wider, they all have a similar square form like Josh Hutcherson.

How are they like him?… For more about that, scroll below…



It’s funny, at first I noticed little Mark Wahlberg…



but almost somewhat more like Leonardo DiCaprio…

in Josh Hutcherson

which I also noticed in Matt Damon…(For more about that click here).



Leo DiCaprio Matt Damon

Leonardo DiCaprio Mis Leo DiCaprio Matt Damon



However, in both cases Josh’s face is slightly more square shaped, while the others mentioned, have a slightly rounder and longer shape. Afterwards, I noticed later, he looks half like me (in both cases, for more about that click here and here)

josh hutcherson


Then, looking back I thought, he starts to look a little, somewhat like me.



But, then he looks like Matt Damon. Altogether, he has a similar flat, quadrilateral/square form of shape of face. Then, his face shape has a similar width, much wider than mine, at the same time like Matt Damon’s wide, heart-square face, almost rounder and longer like his, and Damon’s double Wahlberg.

movie josh hutcherson bus gum annasophia robb


In addition, I noticed that he even has similar eye color and his hair is naturally brown like both of us, with very fair skin as well, in addition to demeanor, with a dark, witty sense of humor

and more dramatic, somewhat funny.

Josh Hutcherson Hunger Games

Josh Hutcherson SNL



Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll beneath the link, leading to this page. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments. Thanks for visiting and I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks again for visiting.


Me & Ryan Gosling=Winona Ryder



So who would the two of us look like together?…

Winona Ryder.

I always saw somewhat of a similarity between me and Winona Ryder-besides the dark brown hair and eyes, I noticed we both have very fair skin and a similar square formation before our chin. However, notice her chin is much rounder and mine is more narrow, long and protruding (like a check mark).  Yet, she starts to look somewhat different. I found this out after a while.

This post is more in-depth of how I discovered this in terms of looking like similar, different others of both gender who have actually worked together on film aka; small world. More about that below…

I know its confusing, but like Winona Ryder’s oval shape it goes around and about, in circles over and over again.

Altogether, I noticed a similar, somewhat vaguely-very familiar correlation. More about that below…



First, the very first couple I noticed that Heather Graham from Anger Management looked like was Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams from the Notebook.

(For more about that, click here).



Then, later on like Rachel McAdams like Heather Graham, 1/2 like each other both looked a little like Winona Ryder from Mr. Deeds.


rachel mcadams regina george movie mean girls i know right


Yet somewhat different from her and each other…


Then, I noticed that Rachel McAdams starts to looks a little more like Alan Covert. (For more about that click here).


rachel mcadams regina george movie mean girls i know right


Whereas, Heather Graham


starts to look more like Adam Sandler (For more about that click here).

Which is really weird considering she actually met Adam Sandler in the movie Anger Management, and character almost slept with him.

Eww, lol

Ew Yuck-Gross




So, in a nutshell later on in Winona, I could see in two different instances in Winona Ryder: Somewhat like Rachel McAdams-Heather Graham (somewhat like the both of them, similar to Rachel and somewhat Gosling). I always noticed these people looked somewhat like each other aka; It really is a small world.

Afterwards, I noticed a little Winona Ryder in me, but with a much longer, rounder shape like someone else.

Altogether, I noticed she actually starts to look like both of us 50/50.


So, more about this discovery in more detail of the three of us below…

In the past noticing that both Ryan and I look somewhat like Heather Graham from Anger Management-Winona Ryder from Mr. Deeds, yet somewhat different with a much longer shape, it didn’t occur to me until much later that we both start to look like Winona at the same time.

Altogether, first Winona looks like me with a similar square formation on top of shape and slightly rounder, narrower chin. Then, she starts to look like Ryan with a face shape almost long heart, flatter-longer, but much wider-rounder, long-almost egg shaped, similar to Ryan Gosling’s width of shape.

In addition, she even has a similar demeanor and eye color in between the both of us. First, she has dark brown eyes like me, but much lighter, almost more hazel-green like Ryan’s blue eyes. Also, she is laid back and a little eccentric (so I have been told), like me. But, at the same time much more darker, dramatic like Ryan.

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll beneath the link, leading to this page. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments. Thanks for visiting and I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks again for visiting.
