Michael J. Fox & Claudia Wells=Michael Seater

Image result for marty and jennifer back to the future

What celebrity did I find starts to look like the both of them?…

I was in the middle of commenting to someone actually when I found the resemblance here

but found that he starts to look like Michael and then the original Jennifer, aka; Claudia Wells in the first one.

How did I come to discover he starts to look like the both of them? More about this below…

Image result for michael j fox back to the future gif

First, I found that Seater starts to look like J fox having the same length of flat, almost more quadrilateral shaped like his.

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Then, in width of shape, it is much longer and at the same time, narrow, almost more roundish, egg to oval like Claudia’s shape.

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In addition, he has natural brown hair, in between blue to brown eyes and even has Canadian roots and the same first name as J Fox himself.

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments.

More about the polls below…

Each one should have their own link and the poll can be available below. Clicking back should lead to main page.

I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.


Kelsey Grammar & Sara Melson=Keri Russell

Image result for fortysomething frasier episode

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So who did I find starts to look like the both of them?…


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First, I found that Sara Melson reminded me a bit of Keri Rusell but then again somewhat different.

Then, looking at Keri Rusell vice versa. Looking at them vis-a-vis, Keri’s shape is much wider to almost more square like Kelsey Grammar’s.

How did I come to discover this side-by-side of all three?

More about this below…


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First, I found Keri has the same length of Sara’s very wide to almost rounder shaped face (round heart).

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Then, in width of shape she starts to look like Kelsey Grammar having the same width of much wider, flatter almost more square shaped face like his.

Image result for Kelsey Grammer cheers

In addition, she has green to hazel-brown eyes, natural brown hair like the both of them.

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Image result for keri russell bedtime stories

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments.

More about the polls below…

Each one should have their own link and the poll can be available below. Clicking back should lead to main page.

I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.



Michael Keaton & Kelly Preston=Michael Vartan

Image result for kelly preston jack frost

So who did I find start to look like the both of them?…

Michael Vartan.

At first, Michael Vartan looked a bit like…

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Michael Keaton. I did notice they both have the same app elliptic, almost more egg-shaped face yet somewhat different.

Then, I found looking back at Vartan that he starts to look like Kelly Preston just as much. How did I come to discover this-more about this below…

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He did look somewhat like Keaton at first, but his male matches like Kelly Preston’s somewhat narrower and longer-quadrilateral shape were not too far off from: Riley Smith, Dan Stevens and Paul Walker (R.I.P).

So looking from Michael to Kelly’s matches I found he does start to look like the both of them in shape, somewhat alike yet somewhat different.

But how did I come to discover he starts to look like both of them at the same time 50/50? More about this below…

Image result for michael keaton jack frost

First, he starts to look like Michael Keaton having the same length of almost more egg-shaped face.

Image result for michael vartan monster in law

Then, in width of shape, it is much narrower and flatter, trilateral to almost more quadrilateral shaped like Kelly’s shape.

Image result for michael vartan hawthorne

In addition, he has natural brown to blonde hair, in between green to brown eyes and he seems a bit dramatic and intense like Keaton, who he even shares the same first name with, but again somewhat laid back and quieter, having breakout supporting roles like Kelly, like she has in Jerry MacGuire, he has in Monster in Law.

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Image result for kelly preston jack frost

So basically, I found he could be a match for the two, another brother many years later if their relationship hadn’t gotten too

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well chilly lol

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments.

More about the polls below…

Each one should have their own link and the poll can be available below. Clicking back should lead to main page.

I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.


Matt Long & Amanda Bynes=Chris Evans

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So what celebrity did I find starts to look like the both of them?

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Chris Evans.

How did I come to discover this? More about this below…

At first, I found he looks a bit like Matt Long and vice versa but then somewhat different.

Basically, of reference, it wasn’t as  “Long,” of timeline of find, when I found he starts to look like another name just as much and that was Amanda Bynes.

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I’ve actually only seen one thing with Matt Long and that was Sydney White.

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Then, I found Chris Evans was Captain America and What’s Your Number starts to look like a bit of both of them. How did I come discover this? More about this below…

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First, he starts to look like Matt with the same length of semi-long shaped face.

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However, Chris’ shape is not as narrow and at the same time slightly wider, the same width of

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Amanda’s heart to almost more square shaped face.

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In addition, he has in between almost lighter, green to dark blue-gray eyes, fair skin natural brown hair and a

bit funny. musical and dramatic like the two in his action-packed roles among a few others including What’s Your Number.

Image result for chris evans whats your number gif


Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments.

More about the polls below…

Each one should have their own link and the poll can be available below. Clicking back should lead to main page.

I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.



Corbin Bleu & Ashley Tisdale=Shalim Orlitz


So what celebrity did I find starts to look like the both of them?…

Shalim Orlitz.

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Disney seems to play a big part in this including these two, from Hayden most recent in Nashville to Hilary Duff, from her show in the past Lizzie McGuire below…

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Looking at both, who had starred in a show with Shalim Orlitz going back to Hayden’s show from the past called…

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then, back even further, all the way back to Hilary Duff’s show Lizzie McGuire in the early 2000’s.


I found in reverse a  bit of Corbin and Ashley. somewhere in the middle, between that time, (about during High school Musical) start to look a bit like him time and time again,

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whether much later next to Hayden, or much earlier next to Hilary.


More about this timeline below…


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First, earlier, 2009  in Heroes (on the far right) here his then his first cameo in Lizzie McGuire where he played Lizzie’s bf’s cousin Carlos more about this below…

2006 HSM including these two

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and before that in the early 2000’s from Ashley to Hilary…

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2001’s Lizzie McGuire

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in retrograde…

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Now, looking back I had no idea how far his filmography went back at first but…

First, he played Miranda’s cousin Carlos (Here is the full episode).

and I did see a bit of LaLaine in him, he definitely looks a little like her from the nose to the mouth shape especially

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Then, fastforwarding back I noticed he started to look like two other Disney stars 5 years later

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from the movie High School Musical and that was Ashley and Corbin…

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shortly after HSM trilogy was Heroes which I found he was later in.

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So basically could not believe from 2001 to 2009, basically a Disney flashback going back about a decade, that these two past Disney celebs.

Refering back to Shalim

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Image result for heroes Shalim Ortiz

Image result for Shalim Ortiz

How did I come to discover he starts to look like the both of them? More about this below…

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First, I found he starts to look a bit like Corbin having the same length of trilateral shape.

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Then, in width of shape it is much wider to almost more egg to oval, but still trilateral shaped like Ashley’s face shape.

Image result for ashley tisdale suite life

In addition, he even has medium to dark eyes, natural dark hair and like the both have done comedy/sitcoms and drama.

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.

So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments.

More about the polls below…

Each one should have their own link and the poll can be available below. Clicking back should lead to main page.

I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.


Anna Faris & Nate Corddry=Amanda Seyfried; Taron Eggerton

So what celebrity did I find look like the two?


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Match # 1 (female): Amanda Seyfried.


Match # 2 (male): Taron Eggerton.

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More about each match below…




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Match # 1 (female): Amanda Seyfried.

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I found the two, (a blonde Anna on the bottom left, and a brunette Nate , on the rightt)

in Amanda Seyfried that she starts to look like the both of them at the same time.

How did I come to discover this?…

More about this below…

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The keyword is “Time” (Is previously mentioned) and the sociological formed circle is closer than you might think of where I found the relation.

A quick timeline from the early 2000’s to now

The first and earliest thing I ever saw with Anna Faris Pre-Mom was…

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the movie Hot Chick (Early 2000’s)

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which also includes then Pre-Mean Girls’ (2004) Regina

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aka; Rachel McAdams (In the center below)

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and not too long after that, another one sporting the bunny costume in The House Bunny (2007), Anna Faris herself

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Image result for anna faris the house bunny

which also includes Emma Stone from her big, breakout role in The Help (2011)

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who’s mother was played by the same actress Allison Janney in the film, the same actress, who might recognize that currently plays Anna’s mother from the show…

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where Nate Corddry in some of the episodes plays her boss


and I found looking back altogether Amanda Seyfried from Mean Girls starts to look like the both of them.

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How did I come to discover they look alike side by side? More about this below…

First, I found she starts to look like Anna Faris having the same length of heart-shaped to almost wider, square-shaped face.

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Then, in width of shape it is much narrower and longer to almost rounder, egg-shaped appearing like Nate’s.

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She even has natural brown to blonde hair, in between almost lighter, green to darker blue-gray eyes and like both a knack for comedy.

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So maybe a futuristic take, maybe there could be an episode where her character thinks/dreams she ends up with him

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and has drunk kids how many years later and one of them would be Amanda Seyfried making a cameo


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More about the second match below…


Match # 2 (male): Taron Eggerton.

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First, I found that Nate like Taron has the same matches of Devon Murray.

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Yet, he is closer to Devon Murray in shape and Taron’s face shape is much wider, square very close to Josh Hutcherson’s.

Looking at the two I did start to see a bit of Nate in him and vice versa. However, I found a subtle difference who else he starts to look like and that was Anna Faris.

How did I come to discover he looks like the two side-by-side? More about this below…

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Image result for nate corddry mom


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Image result for anna faris mom

First, both Nate and Anna have a very wide to almost more square shaped face (wide heart). Altogether, Taaron like the both of them, his face is very wide.

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At second glance, not just seeing Nate I start to see a bit of a mini-Rosco, almost more of Anna Faris in him.

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At first glance, he starts to look like Taaron with his wide heart shape compared to Anna that is ever so slightly longer to almost more rounder and heart to egg shaped.

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Then, he starts to look like Anna Faris in width of shape which is ever so slightly wider, more heart to square appearing, almost a bit longer and rounder but very wide appearing.

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In addition he has in between almost lighter greyish green to blue gray to much darker blue gray to silver eyes and natural brown hair. It’s funny I have yet to hear him do an American accent but most likely could seeing I don’t as much see Anna Faris doing a serious, British accent and not so much Nate because he’s not on the show anymore but you never know I actually saw Nate do a Boston accent in the Heat pretty well lol.

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He has also done a bit of comedy bits, drama, action-adventure and more silly, fun juvenile roles as well.

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Image result for taron egerton sing

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It’s funny how both shows and movies were both on the same network and I was just finding it now

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but then again, the month was really a big blur altogether considering.



Anyway, basically here were the two matches I found



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Match # 1 (female): Amanda Seyfried.


Match # 2 (male): Taron Eggerton.

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Just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.


So who do you think she resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments.

More about the polls below…

Each one should have their own link and the poll can be available below. Clicking back should lead to main page.

I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting




Faith Hill & Tim McGraw=Hilary Duff

Image result for faith hill and tim mcgraw

So what celebrity did I find starts to look like the two of them?

Image result for Hilary duff lizzie mcguire gif

Hilary Duff.


It’s funny how I found this one because all three are singers who have made cameos around the same time between the late 90’s to late 2000’s.

But, looking back couldn’t help but find that Hilary starts look a bit like Faith Hill and then a bit like Tim McGraw. How did I come to discover she starts to look like not one, but the both of them? More about this below…

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First, I found Hilary Duff starts to look like Faith Hill having an elongated to at the same time almost longer oval shaped face, somewhat narrow and flat.

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Then, she starts to look like Tim McGraw having the same width of almost rounder, egg to oval shaped face.

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In addition, she has naturally brown hair and in between green to brown eyes like the both of them. But could you picture Hilary speaking or singing with a country accent? If so, ought to be interesting if she went on the show Nashville. Just food for thought.

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think she resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments.

More about the polls below…

Each one should have their own link and the poll can be available below. Clicking back should lead to main page.

I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.


Tony Goldwyn & Peri Gilpin=Jonathon Jackson


Image result for tony goldwyn frasier

So what celebrity did I find starts to look like the two of them?…

Jonaton Jackson.

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I found how many years later had Roz and Roger gotten married and had a kid, how many years later

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would look like Jonathon Jackson from Nashville. Actually, I found the resemblance just by looking at the profiles.

But then I looked back and found definite matches. How did I come to discover this? More about this below…

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First, he starts to look like Tony Goldwyn having the same length of heart to almost more quadrilateral shaped face.

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Then, at the same time he stars to look like Peri Gilpin having the same width of much narrower, trilateral almost more long-angular shaped face like hers.

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He even has dark brown hair, fair skin, in between lighter blue to almost darker brown eyes. In addition, never heard Tony or Roz sing, but like the two has had his fair share of guest-starring roles, shows including drama and/or comedy.

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments.

More about the polls below…

Each one should have their own link and the poll can be available below. Clicking back should lead to main page.

I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.


Mr. Drake & Rebecca (Kirsty Alley)=Paul Walker (R.I.P.)

So what celebrity did I find the two would look like together?…

Paul Walker (R.I.P.)

Image result for Paul walker rip gif

When I was drawing Paul at the time, I admit, I did find a bit of Mr. Drake in him, especially with the facial hair.

But, started to notice they both have a close to square shape like Paul. But how did I come to discover he starts to look like the both of them? More about this below…

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First, he starts to look like Mr. Drake having the same length of wide appearing shape.

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Then, in width of shape, it is wide but at the same time, trilateral and almost longer and rounder like Kirsty Alley’s.

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In addition, he has natural brown to light blonde hair, almost lighter green to darker blue eyes, and like the both of them has done drama and comedy around the same time.

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments.

More about the polls below…

Each one should have their own link and the poll can be available below. Clicking back should lead to main page.

I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.



Reese Witherspoon & Jon Ruditnsky=Matthew Lawrence

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So what celebrity did find looks like the both of them?…

Matthew Lawrence.

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From the movie Home Again I found that Matthew Lawrence looks a bit like the two.

First, I found that Matthew starts to look a bit like Jon then a bit like both-how did I come to discover this? More about this below…

Looking back, first, I found that he starts to look like Reese Witherspoon having the same length of trilateral to almost ellipse shaped face.

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Then, it is much narrower, elongated and flatter, not too far away from egg to oval shaped like Jon’s.

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In addition, he even has naturally brown hair and in between almost lighter green to blue-gray to much darker, blue-gray to brown eyes like the both of them.

Basically, I found if these two had not just played house, but the genuine thing with a new addition to the family, he may have grown up to look a lot like Matthew Lawrence.



Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments.

More about the polls below…

Each one should have their own link and the poll can be available below. Clicking back should lead to main page.

I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks for visiting.
