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Timeline pt 5:More about recall-recognition vs. recall

As you can see after being able to have insight, think about multiple concepts at once, it helps to reinforce those ideas starting by reinforcing them in many different ways so much that they are pulled from the subconscious of recognition and into recall-for more about that, click here

In terms of faces, we normally have a spark of recognition like a flashbulb that goes off when we are aware, only if there is a cue that sets it off, not as controlled, a cue not on cue. This has to with short vs. long-term memory. Normally, when remembering faces they are not in our long term memory unless utilized enough, by looking in more depth of perspective and reinforcing something.  

So the words recognize vs recall are used all the time what is the difference between the two?

For starters, Recognition is an illusion, spontaneous and not as controlled, automatic, phenomenal occurrence usually referred to as a spark. This sudden “Spark of Recognition”

is a masked, subconscious, yet to be brought to the surface version of recall. It is a trick because the the mind’s eye is fooled into believing it  cannot at all see/”Spot” a visual memory from way back when.

However,  just because you can’t spot and see a visual memory from way back when-doesn’t mean it isn’t there at all.

Recognition vs. Recall-In a nutshell, they are different in terms of remembering and one has more control, can be done intentionally while one cannot.

What are the roles that they play in terms of remembering faces?…

  • They are different based on circumstance in terms of the outcome, the probability, the odds stacked against you like a card game:
  • Recognition is more of a gamble, what you see is not what you always intend to get and the odds are 10 to 1 for the average always stacked up against you and when you last expect it, will never get what you intend to find 100%-game over.

Before comparing the two, here below is a quick refresher of the two, what they are exactly.

Recognizing is like using an old Kodak camera, lost in translation, the negatives aren’t as developed and what we think we see is not all there an illusion, a bit foggy.

and referred to as, “Vaguely Familiar”.


Now all bets are off and a person may want to view a person familiar based on recognition, own perspective of memory based on intuition subconsciously, by “Going with it, follow through”

...Says It All

...Says It All
It is a gamble because what you see is not always what you want to get-especially when it is executed in drawing

and it is hard to pick the exact match, the card from the deck, can only be traced only back or only forth done subconsciously.


Through perspective-Looking at current events chronologically only forward or backward.
-Back and fourth one time of recalling dates of experience in general “Realizing, Recognizing, no recalling.



is a rare occurrence but not impossible. It is the rare moment when you take a picture using a digital camera and it comes out just right capturing everyone as they are every detail of the face not missing anything and saving it for later.

but of course being able to have a backup somewhere else











It is like you are the magician holding the cards playing the game of a magic card trick: At first it is not 100% and you could be fooled and since it is similar to recognition, like an illusion, it is a little tricky at first and somewhat spontaneous.

movies jesse eisenberg now you see me allaboutthemovies jesse eisenberg now you see me

However, I found it can be controlled by means of looking at depth of perspective. As a result, the more analyzed and demonstrated the better until eventually you get the exact match intended aka; recall rather than recognition.

In this case of memory, recall visually what you see is not only what you get, but what you see is what you intend to find and get after picking the card and picking the one you intended to get out of the deck. Then, eventually being able to backtrack while looking at the recent face present in view back and fourth at once like a timeturner.

Recogniton vs. Recall

Recall can be referenced, the exact match of card you intend to find and  can be traced back and forth while looking at a face in the past and or present.

Yes, recollection some might view as a cheating, “Witchcraft” form of recognizing-not everyone elects or is capable of doing it,it is not easily done at first and the people frowned upon people who are capable of this reason why preferring to not take center stage with this talent

but, not a staged act have been recently discovered referred to as “Super-Recognizers” aka; people who can spot people at a distance involving identifying people in groups

No really, there is such a thing called“Super-Recognizers”. Also, here is just one example of a more-in depth look of faces, even in my case of shown multiple examples of facial (shape) combined of or in short, (“Combinations“).

reactions look glasses closer spy kids



In this case, you might be right Alexa. I’m seeing Hermionie from Harry Potter and Ryan Gosling (who were originally considered to both play the main characters in Beauty & The Beast) altogether.

Just one example of recall for the average Super Recognizer looking at face (shape) back in time…

In a nutshell, who possess a remarkable quality as tracing back in terms of memory in terms of pinpointing faces. Like them, I have had that experience the difference is, I may just be the first to actually figure out reason, have brought it from subconscious to the surface having found countless matches after pinpointing it back in terms of time back and forth (More specifically: According to identifying shape and comparing from face to face) Hence the combinations post-notice how they relate to people who have/have not been associated together composed from a face film time and time again?

Aka; Have my own little memory charm: facial time turner that I developed over the years which helped discover and establish this timeline below.


Now, you may notice my recall is more in depth with films anyway. But, just the same in real life I am beginning to recall people from my past more and more since I have for films-even who I would look like with them hence the similar match of face and why they look so familiar. You could say films are, “Timeless” in terms of  in addition, recalling faces outside of the screen as well. (For one example, Rachel in the middle and a former classmate of mine I found look somewhat like Winona Ryder.

However, my classmate starts to look more like Winona Ryder and Mary Elizabeth Winstead with an oval-slightly longer, heart shaped face. I have found a lot more examples including past classmates verifying later with visual. But, here is just one example looking at this gif. In addition, that classmate’s name was actually the name of one of the main characters sitting at the table in the film Mean Girls-lol or as Regina might say… “Shut up”.

Shut Up 11

Anyway, before I get too off base giving examples on even off-screen showing recall is possible…

In conclusion,  just a quick intro on recall vs. recognition, of how recall may come more in handy even if a hard, but not impossible recall trick to master at first. Afterwards…

As you can see, once we begin to become more aware of perspective and of time in terms of faces, matching them starting by looking at shape and going from there finding different ways we may not notice are subconsciously reinforced-later when we finally find the face “Somewhat/vaguely familiar as finally found and justified and realized-but this time with more control and consciously, on cue rather than of cue, of recall rather than recognition. How is this possible?…

For more click Back to read the third step, previous to this page


About keh1016

I am going to Greenville Tech, majoring in Design, have thought and studied technical, analytical, full-proof methods/techniques for 20 years on the subject and consider every angle before publishing my posts. Then, utilize them in a fun, personal way using engaging activities critical thinking, up close and personal level on the subject-even using my own pictures for a comparison, on the subject of faces. Face it-when it comes to drawing the people, study compare and draw or utilize in a different way. Hey, use it or lose it right? Also, you can contact me via comment or the tumblr page available on the bottom menu. Thanks for visiting.

One response to “Timeline pt 5:More about recall-recognition vs. recall

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