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Links Pg:

Here are all of the main links of pgs of my site. Also, outside sources are posted as well  on my website wherever and whenever they should be mentioned.

If you like to be notified on constant, current updates and current news click here


If you have a technical/loading issue, addressing all concerns about site, click here


If you would like to learn how to determine a face shape click here

If you would like to go to the face shapes gallery click here.


Also, when drawing a face shape whether 100% sure or not, we all make two likely mistakes.

1) Associating the two, one for the other, based on vast likeness or

2) drawing the person similar based on vast like dimensions, analagous, either way results in a very similar structure, not 100% like the original intended, or a “look-alikes”

3)Maybe not in as noticable, apparent facial dimension, but people do correlate some level having noticable differents and somewhat of a likeness, not as much as the previous mentioned. I call this one similar structures


Also, based on noticing 1/2 of someone’s dimensions, they can share 1/2 of the dimensions with a female at the same time having their length of width and at the same time 50/50, having the other half of dimension, the male’s length or width of shape. The combination of the two creates what someone’s child would look like, male or female. I call this “combinations”


If you’re more interested in the similar/analgous pgs, and the part mentioned of when someone “draws a person similar, not intended, not 100% like original, see drawn misinterpretations. Or, for examples of 100% like the person’s shape demonstrated analyzations, see 100% drawn analyzations.

Also, a more gradual process showing of when drawing something by knowing shape over time makes a difference, showing 100% drawn people based on shape, click here

For my personal experiences shared, click here

If you are frustrated or there is no room for your comment, there is space provided on this link. Or, you can leave a comment on here on tumblr.

Also, if you want to try to identify a shape,  based on it’s physical dimensions, click here for a few cognitive exercises, these exercises also help break the habit of associating one similar person for another when drawing them. I hope it helps…

There are also some pollsvideos and  quizzes on the site as well.

I will also provide a list outside sources, where the images weren’t my own. Now, I made all of the similar diagrams and face shape diagrams myself, but the actual image of the person or drawn representation,cartoon of it simulated, are sometimes found on other pgs. Also there are some links that cover this topic very briefly aspiring me to do my own blog on this topic.

I have finally gotten some rss pgs to work. I have to figure out how I operated one. One is for the main site. (Main pg) (Entries) (Comments)

For more, click Outside Sources

I hope you find this link pg useful. I have been meaning to publish it for quite sometime…  Enjoy and let me know what you think.

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About keh1016

I am going to Greenville Tech, majoring in Design, have thought and studied technical, analytical, full-proof methods/techniques for 20 years on the subject and consider every angle before publishing my posts. Then, utilize them in a fun, personal way using engaging activities critical thinking, up close and personal level on the subject-even using my own pictures for a comparison, on the subject of faces. Face it-when it comes to drawing the people, study compare and draw or utilize in a different way. Hey, use it or lose it right? Also, you can contact me via comment or the tumblr page available on the bottom menu. Thanks for visiting.

One response to “Links Pg:

  1. I amofficially impressed, I must say. I almost always read these articles but I wish you would create more content. I have never in all my years thought of this before just today. You’re clearly an expert on the subject soI have no doubt many of these ideas probably come easily to someone like you but I am still unclear about some things you’ve said here. I know the owner of this blog is really working too much.


I will approve or respond to your comment as soon as I can. I appreciate the input. Thank you for reading and thank you for your comment and for visiting. Love the input!