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TJ from Recess, younger-older version, Michael J. Fox

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I could always see a little Michael in TJ from Recess. What’s funny is there is an animated character also named Mikey in Recess, not to get too confusing. Anyway, back and fourth I noticed they looked alike. First, I saw Andrew Lawrence’ caricature TJ from Recess. You can see the slightest similarity in him and his caricature. They both have that mischievous smile, but with the animated character TJ, his shape starts to appear much more square and wider, flatter like TJ’s, almost more longer-egg shaped.

Hope This Doesn't Leave Your Head Spinning 6

Also, vice versa with Michael. I noticed especially when he was younger, his face shape starts to appear slightly rounder, but much wider-square-just like TJ’s. But, who do you see first? Some people might see the similar outline of J Fox’s square shape in TJ. Or, the other way around, see Michael as an older version of TJ, with a very wide, almost rounder shape. Andrew Lawrence and his square caricature/Michael J. Fox, are somewhat similar to Daniel Radcliffe, but either with a flatter shape, much more elongated-square, Andrew’s slightly more longer egg shaped, Daniel’s the most round, egg shaped and Michael J. Fox, with his widest, square shape.

Also, I almost thought I saw Josh Huthcerson in the character TJ. But, TJ, Michael’s shape are closer to each other, are much wider, while Josh’s is slightly rounder more like Steve Zahn’s and Jason Bateman’s. Also, these two even have the similar dark eyes. Doesn’t he look like an older TJ in High School? He’s just missing the freckles and the baseball cap.

So, let me know what you think, enjoy the visual, I will elaborate if necessary and thanks for visiting.


About keh1016

I am going to Greenville Tech, majoring in Design, have thought and studied technical, analytical, full-proof methods/techniques for 20 years on the subject and consider every angle before publishing my posts. Then, utilize them in a fun, personal way using engaging activities critical thinking, up close and personal level on the subject-even using my own pictures for a comparison, on the subject of faces. Face it-when it comes to drawing the people, study compare and draw or utilize in a different way. Hey, use it or lose it right? Also, you can contact me via comment or the tumblr page available on the bottom menu. Thanks for visiting.

3 responses to “TJ from Recess, younger-older version, Michael J. Fox

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