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Diagrams of Side “Profiles”

Viewing in perspective when drawing the profile, it helps to start from the whole front. Then, when drawing the front in perspective, use that to figure out it’s side vice versa…





Kate Winslet’s Long Oval Shape and half of/profile of the shape Configuration


AJ Michalka’s Long Heart Shape and half of/profile of the shape Configuration


Anne Hathaway’s Short Egg/Techtahedron Shape and half of/profile of the shape Configuration


Amanda Bynes Regular Heart Shape (Coherent in length width and depth) and half of/profile of the shape Configuration


Alyson Michalka’s Round Heart Shape and half of/profile of the shape Configuration


Daniel Radcliffe’s Regular Egg Shape (Coherent in length width and depth) and half of/profile of the shape Configuration


Nicole Kidman’s Long Heart Shape and half of/profile of the shape Configuration

new frontprofileproportionsdiagram

Leonardo DiCaprio’s Semi-Length Heart Shape and half of/profile of the shape Configuration


Emma Watson’s Egg With Belated Chin Shape and half of/profile of the shape Configuration


The least amount of time it took me to configure these diagrams individually was 1/2 an hour, because of all the visuals to break it down, trying to make it look easier, but in all of these you can see:



  • the person
  • the lines around their face forming the shape/formation
  • the formation making the shape
  • the shape of face
  • the front of the shape of face (the whole shape)
  • the side shape of face (the whole shape split in half)

The person faced either way, faced left or right, have the same shape and the proportions according into it (more in depth about proportions coming soon), the features are just face on the left or the right side proportionatly to the shape depending on which way the half shape, the profile is faced.

I constructed these in PhotoSuite and then in Paint. I wish I had Adobe Photoshop! But, more profiles coming soon, hope you enjoyed the visuals! Let me know what you think.


About keh1016

I am going to Greenville Tech, majoring in Design, have thought and studied technical, analytical, full-proof methods/techniques for 20 years on the subject and consider every angle before publishing my posts. Then, utilize them in a fun, personal way using engaging activities critical thinking, up close and personal level on the subject-even using my own pictures for a comparison, on the subject of faces. Face it-when it comes to drawing the people, study compare and draw or utilize in a different way. Hey, use it or lose it right? Also, you can contact me via comment or the tumblr page available on the bottom menu. Thanks for visiting.

5 responses to “Diagrams of Side “Profiles”

  1. Can anybody get it from a bookstore?


    • keh1016

      Owner of face shapes 101 in reply: I must have missed your comment somewhere when it was pending, but I love you’re intrigued. No, unfortunatly. Maybe someday, for now these are my original methods and ideas. Just one of the many I have come up with to make drawing people a little easier. Thanks for commenting. I loved it!


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I will approve or respond to your comment as soon as I can. I appreciate the input. Thank you for reading and thank you for your comment and for visiting. Love the input!