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What is Anne Hathaway’s face shape?

Image result for sorting hat gif

Image result for crystal ball gif

Hmmm, I’m getting something… 

Image result for crystal ball gif

I see…

Image result for Anne Hathaway Ella Ench gif

Image result for Anne Hathaway gif

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For starters Anne has a very round appearing shape. So how would you go about drawing it right?


Anne Hathaway in Ella Enchanted

Anne Hathaway short egg

Anne Hathaway

(Short) egg shaped. Enjoy the gifs below and a timeline. More coming soon.

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Image result for Anne Hathaway gif

Image result for Anne Hathaway gif

Image result for Anne Hathaway gif

Image result for Anne Hathaway Ella Ench gif

Image result for Anne Hathaway Ella Ench gif

Image result for Anne Hathaway gif

Image result for Anne Hathaway gif

Image result for Anne Hathaway gif

Image result for Anne Hathaway gif

Image result for Anne Hathaway gif

Image result for Anne Hathaway get smart

Image result for Anne Hathaway get smart

Image result for Anne Hathaway Ella Ench gif

Image result for Anne Hathaway gif

Image result for Anne Hathaway gif

Image result for Anne Hathaway gif

Image result for Anne Hathaway gif

One face shape reading down

Image result for Anne Hathaway gif

a million to go and your crystal ball question hopefully answering your question.

Image result for Anne Hathaway gif

Thank you for reading. Let me know what you think and enjoy!


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In the Late 1990s Pre-Princess Diaries

Image result for anne hathaway and heather matarazzo princess diaries

Between 1999-2000 During start of Princess Diaries

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Between 2000-2001 During Princess Diaries

Image result for anne hathaway princess diaries

Between 2001-2002 Post Princess Diaries

Image result for anne hathaway nicholas nickleby

About 2002 in Nicholas Nicklesby

Image result for anne hathaway nicholas nickleby

Before 2002-2003 Post Nicolas Nicklesby

Image result for anne hathaway ella enchanted

Between 2003-2004 during Ella Enchanted

Image result for anne hathaway princess diaries 2 premiere

Between 2004-2005 during beginning of filming of Princess Diaries 2

Image result for anne hathaway princess diaries 2 premiere

After 2004-Late 2005 Post Princess Diaries 2

Image result for anne hathaway devil wears prada

During 2006 in Devil Wears Prada

Image result for anne hathaway becoming jane

Between 2006-2007 in Becoming Jane

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Between 2007-2008 in Get Smart

Image result for bride wars anne hathaway

Between 2008-2009 in Bride Wars

Image result for valentines day anne hathaway

Between 2009-2010 in Valentine’s Day

Image result for love and other drugs anne hathaway

Between 2010-2011 in Love & Other Drugs

Image result for one day anne hathaway

Between 2011-2012 in One Day

Image result for anne hathaway as selina kyle

During 2012 in Dark Knight Rises

Image result for les miserables anne hathaway

Between 2012-2013 during Oscar Win in Les Mis

Image result for les miserables anne hathaway

Between 2013-2014  in Interstellar

Image result for the intern movie 2015

Between 2014-2015  in The Intern

Image result for anne hathaway in oceans eight



About keh1016

I am going to Greenville Tech, majoring in Design, have thought and studied technical, analytical, full-proof methods/techniques for 20 years on the subject and consider every angle before publishing my posts. Then, utilize them in a fun, personal way using engaging activities critical thinking, up close and personal level on the subject-even using my own pictures for a comparison, on the subject of faces. Face it-when it comes to drawing the people, study compare and draw or utilize in a different way. Hey, use it or lose it right? Also, you can contact me via comment or the tumblr page available on the bottom menu. Thanks for visiting.

I will approve or respond to your comment as soon as I can. I appreciate the input. Thank you for reading and thank you for your comment and for visiting. Love the input!