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What is Joesph Gordon Levitt’s face shape?

Sorting through the results…

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I think I’m getting something

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I see

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Image result for joseph gordon-levitt angels in the outfield

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Image result for high school joseph gordon levitt

Semi-long heart shaped.

(Diagram coming soon).

For starters, Joesph has a very long and at the same time round shape. So where to start if you wanted to draw it right?

Image result for joseph gordon levitt drawing

Image Credit:

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If you look at his shape next to an actual egg, he has a flatter chin, a long face whereas the egg is much rounder-wider.

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(Diagram coming soon).

Related image

Basically, a range of long-round, sometimes rounder more egg appearing


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If you were to identify a face shape having an egg shape all the time before really looking at it once in a while you might just well in end up with “Egg on your face” lol.

Anyway, more about his face shape below…

Joesph an in between long-round shape. It is long on the left half to round, egg-shaped on the right half.
Whereas, some like here appear to have almost more egg shaped face, yet somewhat flatter and longer more trilateral.

Basically what I like to refer to as, “Semi-long heart shaped”. More about this face shape. Whether younger or older, sometimes it appears slightly more long or round because it is in between the two.

In terms of being younger or older it almost starts to appear one way or the other and almost wider-square over the years starting from egg and long- heart square shaped.

Image result for joseph gordon-levitt angels in the outfield

Allow me to show you a quick timeline to see how his face shape appears to change over the years below from young age to from before Early 1990s to now…

Image result for pop tart commercial joseph gordon levitt

Poptart commercial During Mid 1980s

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During Murder She Wrote Between 1989-1990

Image result for joseph gordon-levitt roseanne

1990-1991 During Dark Shadows


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Between 1992-1993 During Angels in the Outfield

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Between 1996-1997 in Halloween H20



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Between 1997-1998 on Comedy Central


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Between 1998-1999

Image result for juror joseph gordon levitt

During the Juror Between 1999-2000


Image result for joseph gordon-levitt roseanne

3rd Rock from the Sun

Image result for high school joseph gordon levitt

Between 1999-2000 High school


Related image

10 Things I Hate About You

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Between 2001-2002 Post Treasure Planet


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500 Days of Summer Between 2008-2009

Image result for joseph gordon-levitt inception



Image result for dark knight rises 2012 joseph gordon levitt

Between 2011-2012 During Dark Knight sequel


Image result for joseph gordon-levitt roseanne

Between 2012-2013 Pre-Glee

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Post Looper 2013-2014


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Between 2013-2014 in Don Juan



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Between 2014-2015 During The Walk

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Image result for joseph gordon levitt young

Between 2016-2017

Image result for joseph gordon levitt bruce willis roast


So, how can you tell how long to round his shape is?

So how can you determine this? …

Image result for joseph gordon-levitt angels in the outfield

Same old Joesph start to finish. His face shape just starts to appear more and more wide-square over the years.

More about the shape below…

First, it helps to narrow down the face shape. How long-round is it exactly?

So, how can you tell the difference if it is long and round or “Semi-long heart shaped” rather than one more than the other?


It always helps to double check, identify up closer what a face shape is. 

How?… By tracing your finger around the face.

(Diagram is coming soon).


It’s not that hard, doesn’t take a genius. There is a simple way to tell all this. Don’t let your mind’s eye trick you.

Notice how it is Semi-long heart shaped?

It is close to quadrilateral (in this case long and narrow, rectangular)

However, it is slightly rounder with a trilateral chin on the bottom and almost more heart shaped on the bottom part of the shape/the chin.

Basically, trilateral almost rectangular, but at the same time almost rounder to wider with an angular formation.  

Or, as I like to refer to as “Somewhat Long-Somewhat round shaped=Semi-long heart shaped”.


So one down

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a million to go

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and your crystal ball question hopefully answered

Let me know what you think

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Image result for joseph gordon levitt gif

Thanks for visiting.


About keh1016

I am going to Greenville Tech, majoring in Design, have thought and studied technical, analytical, full-proof methods/techniques for 20 years on the subject and consider every angle before publishing my posts. Then, utilize them in a fun, personal way using engaging activities critical thinking, up close and personal level on the subject-even using my own pictures for a comparison, on the subject of faces. Face it-when it comes to drawing the people, study compare and draw or utilize in a different way. Hey, use it or lose it right? Also, you can contact me via comment or the tumblr page available on the bottom menu. Thanks for visiting.

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