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#Alone together

So time I fessed up especially since the personal page does not work. I recently read financial abuse and domestic abuse and me vs my mother and I have gone through both which includes my own  anxiety. I have my good days and my bad days with this. But somewhere in the world Inhofe this is helping someone else just this little passage and links

I mocked the establishment the business and the family is if that makes me Mary popping 2 or what that makes me like but I’m definitely sick and tired of hearing it because with abuse from the victim and I don’t mean the on e being abused in stores of hearing the m spouting these theories  about a better price when they don’t get off their ass and exploit 2 people in the process -!e and my mothe r. All I heard was we “The quicker we” and if we while he procrastinated.

So during these hard times of you know anyone who’s been abused that and or domestic send them my wsy. I hope I never wish they get a disease or then again must be for doing this in a cowardly way to others and in my opinion is not addressed enou gh. Btw that person my mother’s husband did actually get a  disease so that’s karma for ya. I love th term successful failure for that a reaso n. I also said need to do a wild and can’t afford him but # Don’t judge I’m in therapy mysel d for this crap. My therapist said Trail blaz er and courageous I think I did mention it once with  step brothers gif theme.

it’s been going on for a long time terms of financial probably last 3. I’m minding my own business he would remind his. And expects and asked me for it. Ok I don’t have it you’re an as whole and my mother doesn’t work for you. I’m still debating if he’s narcissistic but this is right up there and everything covered setbacks my mother and I went through and now he owes us

irs I h ward him choke today thank God

domestic abuse a full king lawn mower seriously can’t even drive he came in like scar and I ducked with him like ki ara. I have no idea when I get upset b it untamed since serious shit so I’ve been going Disney therapy and I realize that self care ❤ and compassion already has a bit of that with 50\50_give an dtake.

ok I never liked him  I volunteered him to a soup kit Chen well I almost did. I even called him out and tactically made him pay for groceries when he tried to throw a. Bill in my face. I as like seeiously?

There are people that can’t live in peace with this shit I was learning how to drive and I almost pulled over edge side of the road and dumped him it wasn’t right because my mother was in the car. He was so arrogant my mother did all the work. After the abuse h e site down stairs every day so my mother did worth every penny. WTF cares about his health and worse I had to take care of him and cater to him during g this because he was that arrogant

I’m originally from ny vs infj my mother said it depends on situation so sometimes it bothers me and other time it doesnt.But if it bothers me I can’t be far off from from smsrt. They told me that in the hospital she  I was diagnosed with anxiety. 24\7 it was we need those and that I feel like dying wyd do you want? I never questioned him he was theyvdidnt or that stupid.

some days I feel like between mom a nd Julia Robert s characters I guess a trail blazers like Joanna I  overbosr. Every movie I love to watch has an aspect I can relate to they have no ducking car they don’t fret ducking paid and here’s no Prince sincerity because of thid. I need a supper gruel with people that have gone through the same abuse.

Trust popped in my head no I can’t I trusted her do the wrong thing and I have him a chance I guess the phrase i s. He had negative pride and was a momma s boy he ducking ducked . I can relate to anything but here time and space i s abused anything with Grinch or Danny devi to like Matilda

#Alone together

my mind also goes back to the medical setbacks including g domestic regardless Daphne and Becker loved it vs love it vs loved it #so over it like every one else who can releste. My mother never talks about it that’s what bothers me most. She has borderline defended him and stressed her out for half the part and I d one have  a say and she wonders why I’m anxious he’s sick I g stupid that’s why.

# Marlins b e ard incs accountability and btw his beard actually looks like his yes like I either make fun of him or I get upset because I’m non therapy for this as well as my anxiety. It’s been a big sever of mine have spent half the time on here and then the other half listening to his excuses. I even made sure I went to his appointment where the psychologist said thst and took the liberty of getting the books they suggested. He has excuses and no compassion and I’m sick of him living here doing nothing again in therspy.

I guess I get moody about this if I buy the point is not my accountability and it keeps me from being happy. I’m kinda Grinch about this including exploited but my psychologist quoted teddy Roosevelt and  called me courageous which was really sweet. Btw if anyone knows any movies and or people that mock this like I do or speak out let me k ow.only I can think of is Jim   carrey.

# Duck financial if it ducks families first not alone together

Self care ❤ and compassion

please pray for me

About keh1016

I am going to Greenville Tech, majoring in Design, have thought and studied technical, analytical, full-proof methods/techniques for 20 years on the subject and consider every angle before publishing my posts. Then, utilize them in a fun, personal way using engaging activities critical thinking, up close and personal level on the subject-even using my own pictures for a comparison, on the subject of faces. Face it-when it comes to drawing the people, study compare and draw or utilize in a different way. Hey, use it or lose it right? Also, you can contact me via comment or the tumblr page available on the bottom menu. Thanks for visiting.

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