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Michelle Pfeiffer-Calista Flockhart


I was watching Freelancers, a few years old movie starring Robert DeNiro. It wasn’t a favorite of mine. But someone else did get my attention. Looking at her for a split-second, she looked like a younger Michelle Pfeiffer, but then I saw someone else, like Pfeiffer but slightly more similar to Christina Ricci and Rachel Bilson, with a slightly longer, closer to oval appearing shape, somewhat like Calista at the same time. You can see how the three are very similar to each other with a very round-heart shaped appearing face, Michelle’s being almost 100% round and Calista’s being slightly longer and flatter than Michelle’s more heart shaped. Michelle and Calista both have a round heart shape and in the middle, similar to them both this unknown has an almost heart shape, very wide-heart shaped and not as long, oval shaped. Her shape is 100% round because if you were to take your finger and trace it around her face, it would be completely continous. In this case, it is hard to come across people who are well-rounded. I could tell it was 100% round, or elipse for this reason. There are also similar others to Michelle with elipse shaped faces. So, I could tell in comparison. Also, the eyes go from blue to brown. But more about the shape left-right…

Michelle Pfeiffer has a round heart shaped, not as oval, more wide-round and without sacrificing width of shape, slightly more elongated than Michelle’s shape, now equal in length and width, round all around is the unknown in the middle. Then after her, it starts to elongate even more, become even flatter, more heart shaped like another person similar to Michele with a round heart shape, slightly longer, more heart shaped, not as wide as Michelle’s being Calista. Second, for the features Michelle’s blue-gray eyes change from her to the next person having a little more brown, almost green in them being more hazel. Then, from her to Calista, it becomes even more brown and not as blue-green like Calista. Also, they all have very fair skin, slightly getting more brown in coloring as well from more pink-brown tone, to more of golden tone, slightly darker and less fair then Michelle’s.Altogether from Michelle-Calista, the shape starts to elongated all having a very round appearing shape. Then for features of eyes and skin coloring gets darker and darker with more brown and more golden tone in skin. So let me know what you think, enjoy the visual. I will elaborate if necessary and thanks for visiting.



About keh1016

I am going to Greenville Tech, majoring in Design, have thought and studied technical, analytical, full-proof methods/techniques for 20 years on the subject and consider every angle before publishing my posts. Then, utilize them in a fun, personal way using engaging activities critical thinking, up close and personal level on the subject-even using my own pictures for a comparison, on the subject of faces. Face it-when it comes to drawing the people, study compare and draw or utilize in a different way. Hey, use it or lose it right? Also, you can contact me via comment or the tumblr page available on the bottom menu. Thanks for visiting.

128 responses to “Michelle Pfeiffer-Calista Flockhart

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    • keh1016

      Owner of face shapes 101 (not full wordpress site)
      & Creator/Specialist in reply,

      Between 1960-1974?

      Getting younger every day and staying young at heart doing what you love. Nice to hear we share the same passion even if you did a little bit before me.

      Thank you so much sharing your thoughts. Glad to have you along for the ride and thanks for visiting.


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    • keh1016

      Owner & Creator/Producer of face shapes 101 in reply,
      Owner of face shapes 101 (not full wordpress site)
      & Creator/Specialist in reply,

      Was very moved, thank you.

      Thanks for your interst as well as your comment and for visiting.


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    • keh1016

      Owner of face shapes 101 (not full wordpress site)
      & Creator/Specialist in reply,

      Metaphorically speaking?

      If not, metaphorically speaking and off subject IDK anything about gardening. Thank you for implicating that I’ve “Blossomed”.

      Either way I enjoyed reading your comment it was unique and interesting.

      Thanks for visiting.


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