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Meryl Streep Unknown

I was looking at pictures for look alikes for Kate Winslet and they showed this pic of an unknown actress, you see here next to Meryl. She is somewhat similar to Kate, because Kate is similar to Meryl. Meryl and Kate are correlated, they both have the same long oval shape, but there is someone even closer in proportion of features and shape to Meryl-the woman you see next to her. She is close to Meryl than Kate.They all have a long and oval shape. But, since Meryl and the unknown are the closest in similarity, they both look closer to each other rather than Kate, I will describe these two…

shape:Meryl’s shape is long oval and the lookalike is slightly less long, not long oval, semi long, in between oval and long oval.

skintone:Meryl’s skintone is lighter and has more of a yellow tone than the woman next to her who has very little yellow hue and closer to a darker pink/brown tone.

trademarks:Meryl has a mole near her chin touching her lip.

spacing between features:Meryl’s shape being longer, her chin is longer also. It is longer and rounder while the other’s is flatter more square.

eyebrows:Meryl’s eyebrows are lighter and are more curved rather than much straighter and flater and wider like the woman on her right.

whole eye shape: More long oval, rounder and longer. Her eyes are darker. eye shape:

whole nose:Both have long noses, but Meryl’s nose is much longer if you look at from where it starts to form, from between eyebrows and eyes to very bottom.

bottom nose shape:Meryl’s nose is more round fuller, so her nostrils take up  more space, they are bigger.

sides of nose left and right:Rounder and the other’s is much flatter and slightly shorter, like her shape of face.

middle of nose:Meryl’s nose forms a point, you can see it starts to form a wide v, a rounder angle on the bottom. The other girl’s nose comes to a point, is flatter on the bottom.

whole shape of lip:Meryl’s lips may have same with and fullness like the one on her right, but her lips are longer, notice her cheek bones are slightly narrower than the one on the right.

teeth are shown:shape of/”teeth line”/formation under mouth/bottom of shape/jawline:

correlation?) Kate Winslet


About keh1016

I am going to Greenville Tech, majoring in Design, have thought and studied technical, analytical, full-proof methods/techniques for 20 years on the subject and consider every angle before publishing my posts. Then, utilize them in a fun, personal way using engaging activities critical thinking, up close and personal level on the subject-even using my own pictures for a comparison, on the subject of faces. Face it-when it comes to drawing the people, study compare and draw or utilize in a different way. Hey, use it or lose it right? Also, you can contact me via comment or the tumblr page available on the bottom menu. Thanks for visiting.

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  6. jamie

    I want to know who is inbetween meryl and julianne


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