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Brittany Murphy & Ashton Kutcher=Mana Suvari

So who would their lovechild look like?…

Mana Suvari.


First, I noticed Mana and Brittany looked somewhat, even sounded somewhat like each other,  somewhat like Sarah Michelle Gellar, but with a much wider shape. )For more about that click here). Then, I noticed she started to look like Ashton. More about that below…

First, if you look at Mana’s shape, it is somewhat round-wide, not too long or wide like the both and heart shaped, almost completely round as well.  She has a similar length of Ashton’s heart shape, almost wide-square. Then, she has a similar width to Brittany’s shape. It is slightly wider shape than his, even more square, somewhat round on the bottom like Brittany’s. In short you could say like the two, she has 2x as much a round-wide shape, or round heart shape.

Anyway, just when I start to think I see one more so, I see the other, 50/50.So who do you think s/he resembles more so?… I would love feedback on the poll beneath the link, leading to this page. I would love to hear others’ perspective, feedback with the polls and/or comments. Thanks for visiting and I will be elaborating the combinations page. Thanks again for




About keh1016

I am going to Greenville Tech, majoring in Design, have thought and studied technical, analytical, full-proof methods/techniques for 20 years on the subject and consider every angle before publishing my posts. Then, utilize them in a fun, personal way using engaging activities critical thinking, up close and personal level on the subject-even using my own pictures for a comparison, on the subject of faces. Face it-when it comes to drawing the people, study compare and draw or utilize in a different way. Hey, use it or lose it right? Also, you can contact me via comment or the tumblr page available on the bottom menu. Thanks for visiting.

I will approve or respond to your comment as soon as I can. I appreciate the input. Thank you for reading and thank you for your comment and for visiting. Love the input!